Monday, June 24, 2013

Name Plaque Re-do....Sophia's Choice

 A couple of years ago I made these name plaques found here. But the scrapbook papers were chosen by me.
We had to take them down last year when we got Sophia's bunk bed and I finally got a chance to reinstall them this summer. But I thought, why not let Sophia have some input into the colors chosen.
 Old version
New version
Sophia told me that she wanted some purple added to the mix.
It was very easy to update these plaques. The letters were just hot glued on so they were super easy to pop off.

Some of the old papers peeled off and some I just left on there.

I layed out my papers to see what order I wanted to put them in.
I layed the paper (good side down) on top of the plaque and rubbed the edge to get the shape to cut out.

Then I just modge podged them on there. Hot glued my letters back on and hung them back up.

Honestly, I like my first version better, but Sophia likes her version better. So since it's her room, I'm glad she's happy with her choices.

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